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Linn-Benton Community College's Journey to Cloud Transformation with Mythics

Written by John Iuliano | Mar 6, 2024 5:36:18 PM

In the dynamic landscape of higher education, institutions are constantly seeking innovative ways to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. In this search for innovation, it can be difficult for institutions to understand the actual cost of options available and which direction to head. Universities and Colleges are constantly weighing the pros and cons of keeping their current ERP/Student Systems and re-platforming to Cloud Infrastructure, moving to a managed application provider, or transforming to Software as a Service (SaaS). 

Many times, the institution has been running the same enterprise system for over 20 years, and being asked to transform these core components of their institution can be a daunting task. With lost institutional knowledge through accelerated retirements, low staffing levels, and stretched budgets, these transformations can be exponentially more difficult without the right partners involved in looking at an institution’s needs at a holistic level. 

Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC) is one of the largest community colleges in Oregon and serves more than 18,000 students a year. They wanted to enable their staff to focus on more strategic initiatives across the college and focus on their mission of cultivating an environment for success through inclusive education and community engagement. This is where the partnership with Mythics, Oracle, and E&I came together. 

As they were evaluating several options for their Ellucian Banner System, they initiated an assessment with Mythics leveraging our Cloud Migration Platform (CMP), which provides a standard, repeatable, and holistic framework for Mythics to assess the organization’s workloads and current environment to determine an efficient path for migrating to the cloud. The output of this assessment enabled Mythics and LBCC to quickly initiate, plan, and design a move to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and provided LBCC with an accurate total cost of ownership of a complete solution for the migration, testing/validation, go-live, and postproduction support. 

To make this solution a reality, LBCC, who was already an active E&I member, saw the additional cost and administrative benefits of procuring this solution via the Mythics E&I Contract. This competitively bid contract enabled them to move forward quickly to hit critical go-live timelines/ enhance their systems as they needed to urgently get out of their data center due to aging infrastructure. 

We are excited to share our case study with LBCC and appreciate our continued partnership with the institution that enables LBCC to continue to focus on strategic initiatives for their students, faculty, and staff. 

If your institution is stuck in this search for innovation and needs to find the right partner to holistically support you in evaluating your Cloud options, contact Mythics for more information. We have a proven history and longstanding commitment to Higher Education.