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Learning From Failure: How Not To Move To The Cloud

Written by Erik Benner | Mar 8, 2024 2:00:57 PM

While success stories may inspire, it's the mistakes that offer valuable lessons. Moving to the cloud can be risky. If everything goes well, it can be a smooth and painless process, but what happens when things go wrong? To make it even more painful, after the disaster, you end up sharing notes with friends at a conference and find out they made the exact same mistake!

We have all experienced failure in our lives. I recall a time when I decided to explore a new hobby and started painting. Despite my best efforts, I struggled for weeks to create a simple landscape painting. I even took several classes at night and had a private session with the instructor, but my paintings still looked like a futuristic dystopian montage. Sadly, I haven't picked up a paintbrush since.

But failure can be a good thing because you can learn more through that process than when things go well by chance. Learning how to plan, how to implement, and more importantly, how to recover from accidents is a key skill to have in life.

In business, too, failure can be a path to success once you learn from the mistake and recover. To assist our customers in their learning process, we have curated a collection of experiences that shed light on the mistakes made by other customers during their cloud migration journey - all anonymously, of course. You can discover case studies of businesses similar to yours that have faced hurdles during their cloud migration journey and learn from their mistakes. You can benefit from their hindsight and understand how each mistake impacted their project, as well as the steps they took to rectify the situation. 

Oh, and yes, mistakes happen on project. Once an example is on a project with multiple vendors, various project managers, and an undefined RACI  (responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed) matrix, bad things happen. While migrating users to a new ERP system, spending almost a year making the new SaaS system perfect, the customer forgot to train users and rushes training days before the migration. Imagine how that migration went! Yes, it is something everyone sees as perfect after that fact, but in the project, the training was assumed to be some other group's responsibility.

We have more enlightening examples of how our customers mistakes can become lessons learned to you as you plan your cloud migration, and attending the upcoming webinar can give you an advantage by helping you avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes that may hinder your business growth. You can benefit from the experiences of other businesses who have already gone through the cloud migration process and achieve a smooth transition without expending unnecessary effort and resources.